Having one of those days today.
Seems everything is going my way.
Life is doing me just as it should.
Everything is going right that could.
Played the Lotto and I lost again.
Who wants a million bucks my friend?
Filed my taxed on time again this year.
The IRS is auditing me again I fear.
I met the most beautiful lady alive.
Crashed my own car in her drive.
She rushed to see if I was hurt.
Just as I stepped in dog dirt.
Having one of those days today.
Seems everything is going my way.
Life is too good to me it's true.
Look at my eye it's black and blue.
The day has just begun for me.
You just wait and you will see.
Have a doctor appointment at one.
Going to get that vasectomy done.
Today is the best day of my life.
Just paid back alimony to my ex-wife.
And according to this court's report.
I am now 2 years behind in support.
Life is just simply too darn good.
Was even better in my childhood.
Was born too tall for my own good.
Good thing that doorway was wood.
Now I should now clean the air.
In my life there is only on care.
I love my life as bad as it seems.
These were nightmares called dreams.
This ditty was done for the simple fun.
Sharing some humor with everyone.
Just a day to act like a young fool.
Beats falling off of a bar stool.
Have fun, enjoy life, know you are blessed, God loves you!

©Mike Dimond 2000