Ever wonder what drives my mind?
Ever wonder what it is I find?
How can this guy write so deep,
That his words can make you weep?
Is he simple minded or real smart?
This writer of poems from his heart.
Has his heart been that really lost?
If so at what kind of terrible cost?
He won't admit to what he can feel.
He will admit that he is for real.
He writes for those that need to hear.
That everyone is special and dear.
Can I write of things I haven't known?
I hope my poems already have shown.
That I love life and live for love.
That is what I am writing of.
Water is love and it runs deep.
Wind is the heart that I keep.
A craft to sail life's sea.
That is how I think of me.
Trapped in a world to understand.
The precious gifts all so grand.
Friendship caring love of life.
Of family, God, husband and wife.
Sail the oceans and never find.
A heart that touch deep and kind.
Soft and caring hope and daring.
Love is like that when sharing.
Look to yourself and sail away.
You'll know what I mean someday.
All is given to those that pray.
This is how I live everyday.
Love sets my sails the wind is you.
The sea is calm the sky is blue.
Together we'll sail off this earth.
Together a shared love to unearth.
Hope is for those that have none.
Love is for those that have one.
Desert winds on an ocean's shore.
This is love and even more.
Never fearing to hurt your love.
That's the foundation I speak of.
Knowing the heart is never secure.
Restful and easy yet still unsure.
Sail the love because the wind is free.
Confused and secure oh how can that be.
Love is not easy that's is too true.
Unless you have a love that is true.
Love has many delicate parts.
Because it is formed by two hearts.
Each is different and somehow the same.
Love wears many a hat and many a name.
Love thyself is just the start.
Love another is another part.
Love of life is also grand.
Love also is to understand.
Love is never to say what you do.
Love is why you say what you do.
Love is never to be a lonesome soul.
Love is what makes us each a whole.
Never thought I would admit to it.
Never thought I would ever regret it.
Never thought I could ever share it.
Love is my sailor's suite, I wear it.
Dreams are what drive me on the sea.
Confused and lost but sure I am me.
Trampled on blown like the dust.
Love is what binds my soul to trust.
Love never ends if it is true.
The rest of life is up to you.
Will you be a lover or a love?
Can you be an eagle and a dove?
What I am saying is love is undefined.
Love is your heart when it's refined.
Love's in my heart I'm sailing mine.
I'll sail mine to the end of time.