Merry Christmas to you, my special friend!
Our love and caring will never end!
Merry Christmas to you, my special friend!
Together a broken heart we'll mend!
Merry Christmas to you, precious lover!
The future is ours, for us to discover!
Merry Christmas to you, my sweetheart!
With this love what did we start?
Merry Christmas to you, dearest one!
Our life together has just begun!
Merry Christmas to you, the sweetest one!
Holding and cuddling is so much fun!
Merry Christmas to you, my sweet honey!
I know this poem somehow sounds funny!
Merry Christmas to you, sweet as honey!
I love you even more then money!
Merry Christmas to you, say what's your name?
Doesn't matter I love you just the same!
Merry Christmas to you, my sweetheart!
Memory fails me, I'm just an old fart!
Merry Christmas to you, love of my heart!
I love all of you, every single part!
Merry Christmas to you, sweetest of all!
Standing next to you I feel so tall!
Merry Christmas to you, my sweetie pie!
Mere thoughts of you do twinkle my eye!
Merry Christmas to you, my sugar plum!
You've always said my poems AREN'T dumb!
Merry Christmas to you, I love you so much!
Your tender words and your caring touch!
Merry Christmas to you, my brightest star!
I love you so much just the way you are!
Merry Christmas to you, so much I can't say!
You brighten my life like the sun each day!
Merry Christmas to you, can we kiss soon?
Hold me tight under this Christmas moon!
Merry Christmas to you, well simple because!
You're more giving than even Santa Claus!
Merry Christmas to you, because you're so dear!
I think now I have the rhyme for Santa's reindeer!
Merry Christmas to you, my lover and friend!
I am so sorry this poem will soon end!
Merry Christmas to you, my love and my light!
I hope this poem says I love you every night!
Merry Christmas to you,tops on my list!
You caught my eyes and gave them a twist!
Merry Christmas to you, this poem is now through!
This is my gift to say that I love you.