Physical pains are with me at times.
Emotional pains, I speak them in rhymes.
The horse like tornadoes grew nearer.
To warm my heart with the lack of fear.
The wind does blow, the rains come down.
I stand here not feeling that I'll drown.
The emotions flooding and this feels good.
The wondrous thing feared from childhood!
The path followed now the circle's full.
A wondrous thing fills up my soul.
I have it now, please may I taste.
It's precious beauty, I must not waste.
I feel things, clearly blinded by the light.
Beauty shines deeply in the still night.
The storms are upon me this is so real!
This wondrous chilled warming that I feel!
The chilling warmth follows my spine.
Finds my heart the me that is mine!
Inside I tremble heart burning cold.
That's how to say it inside I am told!

© Mike Dimond 1999