There is special way to depart
Eases the pain of a lost heart
Loved one pass from this Land
To a place that is heavenly grand.
My father passed from this earth
and I then seen the love as it was worth
I was there the moment he died
Mom and I held each other and cried.
The family was ne'er really close knit
We enjoyed love and were shown it.
Quiet sweet encouragement from ma
Strong discipline always from pa.
I never heard him say out loud
I guess to him he was to proud
Love was shown and never said
more so then ever on his dying bed.
He passed day before Sara's Birthday
that was the saddest part of the dreadful day
Sara my daughter melted my dad's heart
his death on her day tore me and mom apart.
Sara asked me the very next morn
Daddy why was I this day born
I couldn't tell her that gramps died
I just couldn't no matter what I tried
The night of the wake I held her close
she cried and cried as white as a ghost
I still haven't seen then same smile
even after what is such a long while
Sara looked at me through her tears
Said Daddy grampy is still with us here
I feel his presence in a special place
and I seen it written on her sad face
Many years have passed now since then,
I see that day every now and again.
The drive to the final rest place.
A drive made in God's good grace.
My children were there all except one.
Couldn't make it back, couldn't be done.
I held my children tight that sad day.
For the grace of God we did pray.
Is it right to remember that day?
In a joyful sadness and special way?
Thought it was a day to grieve.
Was as a special day to believe!
Sad this poem may truly surely seem.
Seems a nightmare to some in a dream.
I recall bonding to my children that day.
And the tears were the price we did pay.
My children all have a special place.
A special spot in my heart's kind space.
Through the sadness of that day.
My family bonded in a very special way.
This verse is special so please be kind.
I have to say this to ease my mind.
Dad you were a very tough man.
I think I finally DO UNDERSTAND!