A War Not Won!
For the Nam Vets
From the dreams of these men.
A glorious time back when,
a nation was torn apart.
That's where this story does start.
This nation was a strong one.
Entered a war, a long one.
Won the battles, lost the war.
Sounds simple but there's more.
Keep peace in a far off land.
A plan so simple and grand.
Won the hearts in that land.
Lost the hearts in homeland.
Protests caused a new heart ache.
Too much for this nation's sake.
Boys were sent to fight this war.
Men returned, not boys anymore.
Wives and mothers, broken heart.
Husband and son, purple heart.
A high price paid for some worth.
For just a little peace on earth.
Families split with a battle.
Boys marching off like cattle.
Slaughtered each and everyone.
In a war that wasn't won.
Many men from that wartime,
are begging now for a dime.
Paying a price for no crime.
For being born at the wrong time.
I'm proud to say I am one!
That knows justice can be done.
To say to all the Nam Vets.
You served us with no regrets!
You didn't go and try to hide,
From the protests deep inside.
Off to battle and to fight.
You did what you thought was right.