A playing card and a clothespin.
Bicycle spokes give it a spin.
Sounds of the real big motorcycle.
A card. clothespin and my bicycle.
Hammer nail two pieces of wood.
Homemade things in our neighborhood.
A bike jumping the ramp isn't that grand.
Nothing we had was of a name brand.
We'd work for this, that others could buy.
Earning our way our heads held so high.
I can't help but wonder about the kids today.
Seldom outside does one see them play.
Ten kids in my day were called clubs.
Ten kids today, a gang carrying clubs.
In my day kids respected each other.
Now-a-days kids will kill their mother.
The values today seem to me rather strange.
I think they're all overdue for some change.
Todays standards have little reason but rhyme.
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."
I think it's time to make a simple rule.
I'll make it simple for I am no fool.
Kids remember the golden rule.
show some smarts and stay in school.

some notes for all.
Yes I know the title is strange.
Mispelled the name for a change.