Merry Christmas mom, I love you so much.
The tender words and your gentle touch.
Merry Christmas mom, from all us kids.
You loved us all no matter what we did.
Merry Christmas mom, from the oldest one.
She has a lot to say, best wait 'til she's done.
Merry Christmas mom, the your 2nd girl.
She loved to dance and jump and twirl.
Merry Christmas mom, from your alter boy.
Youngest of us but brought us all such joy.
Merry Christmas mom, from the lover of baseball.
You went to all my games. you were there for us all.
Merry Christmas mom, we love you so much.
Your tender words and your very gentle touch.
Every Christmas Day we try to spend with you.
The love in our hearts seems to shine through.
Merry Christmas mom, from this grand kids too.
They all love you and think the world of you.
I know mom it does seem to good to be true.
Even the in-laws have a love for you.
We were all born to share a life with you.
We are the children that were born from you.
Us kids are all different this is true.
But each one of us has a special love for you.
Merry Christmas mom, this poem is for you.
Merry Christmas dad, the family misses you.
We hold in our hearts memories of you.
Love from us all, Merry Christmas to you.
Merry Christmas mom, this poem will soon end.
Thanks for being our mother and our best friend.
Merry Christmas mom, and God bless you too.
God already blessed us. He sent us YOU!