Dance Through Lunch



Eating french fries dancing on the table.
Shake my body and feeling unstable.
I'm unstable.
On this table.
Pass the ketchup would you please Mable.
On table.
But I'm dancing as sexy as I am able.

Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating french fries and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
French fries a dancing!
Eating some chips and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Tatter chips dancing!
Have a hot dog with ketchup and mustard.
Yes by golly that is kind of weird.
I'm unstable.
On table.
Dancing 'round like a bird.
Drinking diet soda just because I have to dance.
I sure hope this new belt can hold up my pants.
I look kind of silly up here doing my dance.
Look I'm a dancing!
Now I don't want to be a wiener or whiner.
But please come watch me dance at the diner
Dancing on the table there's nothing finer.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Mashed tatters dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!

Look at me on this table.
Dancing really unstable.
on this table
dancin; unstable
I think you are able.

Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!
Eating hot dogs and dancing looking for romancing,
Shake my booty and dancing see how I'm prancing.
Look kind of silly hot dogs on the table dancing.
Hot dogs a dancing!

It got you to smile!!!!
Have fun, enjoy life, know you are blessed, God loves you!

©Mike Dimond 2000

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Page Created: May 30th, 2000